Italy is a country that is known for it’s busy narrow roads and beautiful small homes – the people of Italy believe in enjoying their life to the fullest and this is the reason why they’re known to be great foodies and a lover of wine.

The country of Italy is known for it’s wide produce of organic food and adding to this is it’s sheer luck of being situated in a location such where it has on offer a paradise of fishing. Italy is known as the paradise of fishing, so much so that 2 million people every year take part in the fishing competition held in Italy – along the fresh water and also sea water.

The Italian country is surrounded by water i.e. the Italian peninsula, which makes it a hot-spot that never runs out of providing thrills to lovers of fishing. It is due to this reason as well that Italy is known for it’smediterranean cuisine because the sea food it has on offer is not just blended with classic Italian spices but the produce is extremely fresh – something that attracts many visitors to Italy every year.

Fishing in Italy is usually done across 5 hotspots i.e. Sicily, Le Marche, Tuscany, Italy North and Sardinia. Each place has different fishes on offer and therefore knowledge about which fish to catch where becomes key to truly relish this land of fishing delight.

Sicily : largest island in the Mediterranean sea, the most popular fish here in the bluefin tuna. May and July are known as the perfect months to come-by if you want to catch a swordfish. The city of Sicily is surrounded with many villas that can be rented, in case you’re looking to stay for a few days and truly sink in the beauty of this fishing paradise.

Le Marche : East coast of Italy, Trout is the most common fish found here. Trout is perhaps the most sought after fish in the better part of Europe and therefore Le Marche is the perfect spot if you’re looking to catch this ‘big-fish’.

Tuscany : This town truly stands upon the ideals of Italy as it has rich food and wine on offer, the scenic beauty of this historic town adds up to the delight of it also being a great spot for fishing. Trout and Greyling are a very easy catch here along the Sieve and Lima rivers.

Italy North : Along Piemonte, Lombardia and Emilia Romagna – the fishing spots in this region are endless. In Po – the biggest Italian river, one can find giant catfish and carps – that can be caught without much hard work; such is the extent to which fishes are available in the Northern part of Italy, waiting to be caught.

Sardinia : if you’re in Italy to relax and holiday, probably Sardinia is the place to be. The largest specie of tuna i.e. Bluefin which can be as big as 3.7M is found in Sardinia deep waters. The fish can weight over 650KG and is found usually in the month of May. It is a great challenge to catch this fish, even for fisherman – but if you’re looking for thrills of fishing; the paradise of Italy is the place to be.